Paul Baerwald School of Social Work and Social Welfare.
Research Topic
Child Care for Young Children in the Arab Society: Religious and Gender Contexts and Perceptions of Welfare.
Research Summary
My research examines the relations between day care centers for children under the age of five and perceptions of gender and religion in the Arab community in Israel. The study examines 1000 Arab mothers whose children are five years old (maximum), and 400 working women in the private and public sectors of the day care field. The research is both qualitative and quantitative. It includes interviews, questionnaires, and a mapping of different day care institutions in 15 different cities in Israel.
The purpose of this research is to examine how academic women from the Arab community develop their careers in centers of day care for children, with reference to double-bounded contexts: academia and gender. I think it is another institution which is encoding specific gender roles to women where religion plays a crucial role. The research will also describe development of day cares at the Arab community in Israel and their influence.