Documents | Center for the Study of Multiculturalism and Diversity

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Center for the Study of Multiculturalism and Diversity | The Hebrew University of Jerusalem | Mount Scopus, Jerusalem, 9190501 

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Research Foci 2021/22


Adv. Bana Shoughry

Adv. Bana Shoughry

Palestinian women`s Cause-Lawyering in Israel

The role of Palestinian women lawyers in Israel, and their contribution to the Palestinian feminist movement and to the human rights movement in Israel, in light of multilayered opression and subordination they face and resistp

Call for papers 2022

Call for Papers:

International Junior Scholars Workshop on the Role of Law in Diverse Societies

Diversity at the University


Encourage the employment of researchers by the university: gender and diversity

The Standing Committee of the Hebrew University approved the recommendations of the Gender and Diversity Committee. This Committee discussed encouraging the admission of female researchers to the academic staff of the Hebrew University. The committee proposed setting goals and ways of increasing the number of women and other groups that are under-represented in the academic staff of the Hebrew University.

Dr. Muzna Awayed-Bishara


Dr. Muzna Awayed-Bishara

Postdoc fellow at the Centre for the Studies of Multiculturalism and Diversity

A Critical EFL Pedagogy: From Passive Receptivity to Creative Agency